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Useful Organisations

This is a list of useful sites with content closely related to public procurement and purchasing.

The Office of Government Commerce The Office of Government Commerce
The Office of Government Commerce was formally launched by Andrew Smith, Chief Secretary to the Treasury with the remit of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Government's L13 billion annual civil procurement budget. The OGC has been set up with the intention of becoming the Government's centre of excellence in procurement for up to 200 Government Departments, non-governmental bodies and agencies.
The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) is an international organisation, based in the UK, serving the purchasing and supply profession. Dedicated to promoting best practice, CIPS provides a wide range of services for the benefit of members and the wider business community.

CIPS provides a programme of continuous improvement in professional standards and raises awareness of the contribution that purchasing and supply makes to corporate, national and international prosperity. In 1992, CIPS was awarded a Royal Charter in recognition of its leading role.
The Source The Source
The UK's leading journal of public service life. Facilitating the 'joined up government' agenda. Informed comment and analysis from a distinguished Editorial Board. Articles, Case Studies, Features and Forums. Relevant information from Central Government, the wider Public Sector and Industry experts.
European Commission Directorate General - Internal Mark European Commission Directorate General - Internal Market
The role of the Internal Market Directorate-General (DG) is to co-ordinate the European Commission's overall policy to ensure that the European Internal Market functions effectively and to formulate and execute Commission policy in key areas of the Single Market. The aim is to eliminate unjustified obstacles to the free movement of goods and services and to freedom of establishment.
HM Treasury HM Treasury
The Treasury is the department responsible for formulating and putting into effect the UK Government's financial and economic policy. The Treasury's overall aim is to raise the rate of sustainable growth, and achieve rising prosperity, through creating economic and employment opportunities for all.
Supply Management Supply Management
Supply Management is the official magazine of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS). The institute has over 27,000 members, based mainly in the UK but also overseas, and is one of the world's foremost bodies for purchasing, procurement and supply management professionals.

Supply Management magazine is published fortnightly on behalf of CIPS by Personnel Publications Ltd in London and has a total readership of over 50,000 an issue. It is sent automatically to all CIPS members and is available to others through an annual subscription.
European Institute of Public Administration European Institute of Public Administration
Created in 1981 at the time of the first European Council held in Maastricht, EIPA is unique in that it is supported by the administrations of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and the European Commission, which contribute to its financing (for instance, it has a budget line in the annual budget of the EU) and form its Board of Governors. Its principal mission, as stated in its Constitution, is to "provide civil servants and other interested parties with training courses of a European character relating to public administration in the European Union".
International Project Finance Association International Project Finance Association
An international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and representing the interests of executives and companies involved in project finance, Public Private Partnerships and Private Finance Initiatives around the world.